When I first discovered The Missing Slate as a reader, I was in awe with the magazine’s colorful visual art, pleasing layout, and stimulating pieces from many international writers and artists. A writer myself, I was thrilled when my short story “Banana Tree” was accepted to be published at a place I so admire. Seeing my work alongside other talented artists and writers makes me realize how important it is to have a beautiful landscape to truly bring out a piece’s beauty.
The Missing Slate is that landscape which does not trivialize the authors’ brainchild but treats it with care and respect. In retrospect, the work the team puts into framing each piece, adorns and perhaps even improves it. Considering how many half-baked literary journals materialize in piles only to quickly disappear, The Missing Slate is a gem amongst the rocks. I applied to intern here out of sheer admiration and the desire to be a part of something that I believe has the ambition to succeed.
Editor-in-Chief Maryam Piracha has many exciting plans for the future of the magazine. As for me, I hope to one day visit a book store, peruse the news stand and pick up a copy of The Missing Slate. My personal goals for this year are to conduct interviews with emerging and established writers and artists, solicit work from the new crop of writers currently in an MA or MFA program in creative writing, review books that are both of popular taste and those underappreciated from smaller presses which receive less exposure, and of course do whatever I can to see The Missing Slate fully accomplish its vision. That won’t be too difficult because as my teacher once told me, cream always rises to the top.