Knitting a Sweater
“A fortnight was too much for me. I was not interested in the patterns so much as of the selection of buttons. They were my jewels.” Sharmila Ray remembers the art of knitting while shopping for a jumper in Calcutta.
Read More“A fortnight was too much for me. I was not interested in the patterns so much as of the selection of buttons. They were my jewels.” Sharmila Ray remembers the art of knitting while shopping for a jumper in Calcutta.
Read More“Shame culture is rooted in the concepts of pride and honour, where keeping up appearances and maintaining it in the eyes of one’s peers is considered top priority.” Aaron Grierson on shame culture in the modern world.
Read More“I do not leave when he locks me out; I beg to be let in. I do not leave when he drives off while I’m still in the car, screaming to be let out…” Microfiction by Claire Polders.
Read More“How can we categorise this tidal wave of English writing in non-English speaking countries? Can we call it English literature? Would traditionalist academics accept it with grace?” Dr. Rashid Askari on the development of Bangladeshi Writing in English.
Read More“Despite the controversy surrounding the theory and those who wished to study it, it was not an entirely new concept. The groundwork for the discovery of chaos theory had been established prior to the actual coining of the term. ” Angel Dionne explores chaos in literature.
Read More“Being a former slavophile and Yugonostalgic, Skopje represented a distant dream…” Maida Salkanović visits Macedonia’s “city of a thousand statues”.
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