Spotlight Artist: Devon Reiffer
“As both a woman and someone who has struggled as an LGBTQ individual, I can easily discuss concerns that arise from both identities.” Varda Nisar interviews LGBTQ artist for social change Devon Reiffer.
Read More“As both a woman and someone who has struggled as an LGBTQ individual, I can easily discuss concerns that arise from both identities.” Varda Nisar interviews LGBTQ artist for social change Devon Reiffer.
Read More“…What Mumbai is not, is impersonal. One comes across gracious, courteous, and helpful behavior in what would seem unlikely places.” Saleem Peeradina writes about returning to his “country of origin.”
Read More“The responsibility of the artist definitely increases when creating public art. It puts upon them the burden of decency and simplicity.” Shameen Arshad interviews Atif Khan.
Read More“My curiosity was piqued: Who are the people getting tattoos? Who is doing the tattooing? And, are there any female tattoo artists?” Jill Boyles looks at the growing tattoo trend in China.
Read More“Perhaps it is only through the button eyes of a perceptive monster that he can express his love of complex humanity…” Constance A. Dunn reviews Neil Gaiman’s ‘The View from the Cheap Seats’.
Read More“Periodically, I heard this cat in the distance, doing something I call meowling — a cross between meowing and howling.” Sarah Lyn Rogers recounts saving a cat from a roof in Bhutan.
Read More“When sickness becomes a permanent member of your house, it is better to give it a bed to sleep on.” Manjiri Indurkar looks at the darker side of ageing in one New Delhi family.
Read More“I knew little about the island nation I would visit, only that Cuba was a place of rich cigars and dark rum, balmy breezes and mighty fishermen, percussive music and syncopated dance steps.” Kit-Bacon Gressitt shares her journey to Cuba during el bloqueo.
Read More“As a child, I lived in other countries, way back in the 1960s, when it wasn’t common to see a child from Los Angeles attending a village school in a far off place — it still isn’t common, I’m sure.” Constance A. Dunn interviews Karen Hunt.
Read More“…girls were able to raise their voices on manifold problems they have faced in their lives. THIS is the main change that I’m trying to bring [with] Women Through Film.” Varda Nisar interviews filmmaker Madeeha Raza.
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