“…Like a prayer, I name/ all the things I did not ask for.” Weekend Poem, by Arlyn LaBelle.
Read More“…Like a prayer, I name/ all the things I did not ask for.” Weekend Poem, by Arlyn LaBelle.
Read More“Now this one is difficult. Counter-intuitive./ Remember they are still human…” Poem of the Week (March 17), by Heather Bourbeau.
Read More“The old should be wise,/ But I’m bored with/ that disguise…” Weekend Poem, by George Freek.
Read More“…at daybreak at noon/ the sun’s feeble shafts/ step into the room…” Poem of the Week (March 10), by Martyn Crucefix.
Read More“I glimpsed inside Bacon’s studio/ at scattered imagery and piled texts: The Book of Monkeys and Diseases/ of the Human Mouth…” Weekend Poem, by Peter Marcus
Read More“…how electrifying it was/ holding a hand, what quiet/ fingertips felt like on my / cheek…” Poem of the Week (March 3), by Jess Hackett.
Read More“I stopped and worshipped a reproduction of the Grand Canyon/ I witnessed El Greco’s Agony in the Garden (1590) through the cool glass of a car windscreen…” Weekend poem, by Rowland Bagnall.
Read More“I walk around, circling the demi-gods / From previous lives, when syllables would sing / The passions of my youth…” Weekend poem, by Michael C. Blumenthal.
Read More“…neither time nor God belongs to anyone./ The birds know this as they peck ruby seeds/ from fenced-in pomegranate trees…” Weekend Poem, by Jacqueline Balderrama.
Read More“He sits with his head in/ his pocket and his untouched phone ringing out…” Weekend Poem, by Emily Oldham.
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