Nirvana by Shakira Masood. Image Courtesy: ArtChowk Gallery
There are certain things
I only know in the early
hours of the morning:
how human it was to have
someone sleep beside me,
how electrifying it was
holding a hand, what quiet
fingertips felt like on my
cheek. This secret knowledge
comes to me in the dark.
But come dawn I will
forget, old constants
fade with starlight and
the curtain closes with my
heavy eyelids.
In the morning the sun
is out and I am busy but
when the moon shows
I will be back with you again
~Â Jess Hackett
Jess Hackett is a graduate of Vassar College with a BA in English. Currently working as a substitute teacher and demonstration representative for a nutrition company, Jess works tirelessly at her writing in her spare time.