Artwork by Atif Khan/Damon Kowarski. Image Courtesy: ArtChowk Gallery
“The window I saw myself in was a room”
I stopped and listened to the artificially repeating sound of a waterfall.
I witnessed the Grand Canyon through the cool glass of a car windscreen.
I knelt and worshipped a reproduction of El Greco’s Agony in the Garden (1590).
High up on the right is the moon, by whose illumination Christ beholds a cup.
I stopped and worshipped a reproduction of the Grand Canyon.
I witnessed El Greco’s Agony in the Garden (1590) through the cool glass of a car windscreen.
I knelt and listened to the artificially repeating sound of a waterfall.
High up on the right is a cup, in whose reflection Christ beholds the moon.
~ Rowland Bagnall
Rowland Bagnall is a 22-year-old student of Literature from Oxford. His work has appeared previously in The Missing Slate, London Grip, Revolver, Cake, and Oxford, among others. He is currently studying towards an MPhil in American Literature at the University of Cambridge.