“Theorem:/ we will liken our souls/ to a pair of winged horses.” Weekend poem, by Imogen Cassels.
Read More“Theorem:/ we will liken our souls/ to a pair of winged horses.” Weekend poem, by Imogen Cassels.
Read More“So when the wolf/ rips the night open…/you deny, you deny,/you deny.” Poem of the Week (February 24), by Esther Phillips.
Read MoreFlora de Falbe starts our ‘Poets on Poets’ series by reflecting on sexism and censorship in organised religion.
Read More“The happy hours pass quickly by, the bitter/ ones pass slowly. Still, they are the same.” Poem of the Week (February 17), by Gábor Schein. Translated from Hungarian by Ottilie Mulzet.
Read More“A voice asks me for a light/ The face of a woman, it wants to talk/ To me, they like wretched nocturnal faces…” Poem of the Week (February 10), by Arup K Chatterjee.
Read More“soon it will be dark and hard to find/ the faintest light…/ But the farthest point/ of this barren land seems to sparkle.”
Poem of the Week (February 3), by Afshan Sajjad. Translated from Urdu by Kathrine Sowerby.
“…but that is a poem I cannot write./ that is a cartoon we cannot draw.” Poem of the Week (January 27), by Amna Y. Khan.
Read More“He will die for you but ignore your texts,/ and change the subject if you mention sex.” Weekend poem, by Flora de Falbe.
Read More“deeply/ curious then to travel, be travelled through/carrying possibilities, the wish for many lives…” Poem of the Week (January 20), by Khaled Javaid Jan. Translated from Urdu by Kathrine Sowerby.
Read More“too far away for words. some/ broken dreams…” Weekend poem, by Kamau Brathwaite.
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