Man, look at the flowers by Naseer Burghi. Courtesy of ArtChowk Gallery.
Bruno pictures skin collisions.
He looks at gold, ebony, spotted pale.
He has no manners leaving his gaze out
unzipped, unbuttoned—declarations
of who his gaze desires, yet he verbalizes
bisexual missing out on creations
that can feel the cyclical cycle
of genders owning what the inner voice—
a god, as some know it—
say about reassembling and righting displacement.
Bruno is lured by their stare into the struggle—
their unwillingness to ignore.
To collide with skin close to the voice—
he shudders at the final duality
of the bisexual.
~ Charles McGregor
Charles McGregor is a twenty-six year old Florida native. Currently he is teaching at the University of Texas-Pan American while working on his MFA in Creative Writing. His poetry can be found in modest literary magazines such as Xenith, Enhance, No Infinite, and Boundless.