Bluestocking at twilight
“She’d watch her victims—only in a mirror—/ Their eyes held loose verbs from books she’d once read/ and read just once.” Weekend poem, by Mark J. Mitchell.
Read More“She’d watch her victims—only in a mirror—/ Their eyes held loose verbs from books she’d once read/ and read just once.” Weekend poem, by Mark J. Mitchell.
Read More“The starfish. I saw it on an English beach one frigid morning. Its five arms splitting me like five infinities…” Poem of the Week (August 11), by Arjun Rajendran.
Read More“I’ve more sins than they have saints/ She laughs, and prays her hand to her mouth…” Weekend Poem, by Phoebe Stuckes.
Read More“I will not miss the bird-blue door they broke in the middle of the night// for a laugh. I will not walk in the park, feed the ducks with our babies./ Without you I bind myself more loosely…” Poem of the Week (August 4), by Zelda Chappel.
Read More“…sitting on the couch eyes closed/ he doesn’t answer as wallpaper pulls itself free/ curls into the face of the fire…” Weekend Poem, by Chelsey Harris.
Read More“It is a long way. The way has been long./ You stumble at the gates/ whose flags and guards breathe out the West…” Poem of the Week (July 28), by Clarissa Aykroyd.
Read More“I think, then, about the kidnapped girl,/ leaving the basement for the ï¬rst time in her life,/ if she still loved him…” Weekend poem, by Sarah Fletcher.
Read More“I swallow watermelon, tomato, and apple seeds whole,/ plant myself in my mother’s overgrown garden…” Poem of the Week (July 21), by Chelsey Harris.
Read More“…She wiped/ down her cheeks to tell us// Srebrenica is in the new Serbia…” Weekend Poem, by Stuart Pickford.
Read More“This room still chirps like the birds / Who gave my Nano her first funeral…” Poem of the Week (July 14), by Syed Jarri Haider.
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