My grandfather
“…he never bothered/ learning another script,/ dependent still, at 73, on his grandchildren/ to read him ice-cream signs…” Weekend poem, by Akhil Katyal.
Read More“…he never bothered/ learning another script,/ dependent still, at 73, on his grandchildren/ to read him ice-cream signs…” Weekend poem, by Akhil Katyal.
Read More“How could you not be captivated/ by her bohemian chic/ and dirty bare feet,/ voice chanting with sounds/ borrowed from our unrecorded past.” Poem of the Week (July 1), by Richard King Perkins II.
Read More“…only/ the blood on the moonlit sand/ black and soaking: the laughter/ of a lion’s ribcage left.” Weekend poem, by Isaac Nowell.
Read More“…you wandering in search of light/ Carrying a piece of sky on your broad shoulders,/ Fill my evening of breaths and oblivions/ With voices…” Poem of the Week (June 24), by Alisa Velaj. Translated from Albanian by Ukë Buçpapaj.
Read More“Lead me not into unforced errors./ Let me not be despatched into oblivion/ By a fresh-faced opponent—unseeded, unknown…” Shanta Acharya marks the start of Wimbledon 2014 with a tennis player’s prayer.
Read More“Evenings, on the way from primary school,/ I saw her, dressed in cowgirl boots and cutoffs,/ blouse opened on a barstool outside The Cool Spot…” By Ishion Hutchinson.
Read More“Ekalavya, naïve disciple,/ Your guru preyed on your thumb/ With the eyes of a skillful vulture…” Poem of the Week (June 10), by Manash Bhattacharjee.
Read More“Take her by the hand,/ by the hair,/…lead her/ to the sea/ …the pinhead/ where, if she’s to dance,/ she’ll enjoy horizons.” By Vahni Capildeo, part of our Caribbean writers feature.
Read More“…the colonel/ with his special bloody unit,/ …the preacher preaching of gifts/ waiting on the other side/ of these shadows.” By Kwame Dawes, part of our Caribbean writers feature.
Read More“…in this tiny tumble-down dwelling,/ small village children stood, not on a bare/ dirt-floor, but tiptoe at the rim of the world.” By Esther Phillips, part of our Caribbean writers feature.
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