“For them your sex/ And your death was the same thing.” Weekend poem, by Manash Bhattacharjee.
Read More“For them your sex/ And your death was the same thing.” Weekend poem, by Manash Bhattacharjee.
Read More“they seldom gave each other pleasure/and in vain they learnt patience and goodwill,/ in vain they taught their bodies…” Poem of the Week (September 30), by Gábor Schein. Translated from Hungarian by Erika Mihálycsa.
Read More“Maybe we, in the end,/ knew all the world there was/ in an unidentifiable whisper.” Poem of the Week (February 18), by Rowland Bagnall.
Read More“The blood-caked hairs on the dog’s tortured body were turning into symbols. With a painful sneer she realized what they meant.” Story of the Week (January 31), by Balla. Translated from Slovak by Julia and Peter Sherwood.
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