We can not all see the dreams in the same way 2, by Scharjeel Sarfaraz. Courtesy: ArtChowk Gallery
I wish he knew how to write the geometry of life
because I have been told
he would piss and stand defiantly
like a quadrilateral
to threaten the maid
mock her into again and again
mopping up after his lordship
and then pretend to read the newspaper with me
along with coffee
but he was his mother’s boy
on her he wrote geometry with paws
diagrams in which my wife found divinity
he howled with her music her television
her horror films
he loved her perfume coveted her jewelry
mauled her hair ravaged her sanity licked her nail-polish
and understood at a relatively tender age
that loud fathers who shout at television anchors
are best avoided
except when they are reaching out for
unadulterated love
~Â Ashok Niyogi
Ashok Niyogi is a wandering seeker after truth. He was born in Kolkata in 1955 and graduated in economics from Presidency College. He lived and worked as an international trader in the USSR and Russia and his work involved extensive travel worldwide. He is now retired and lives in Delhi and California. He still travels hard and long and occasionally writes. Ashok has published two books of poems, and two books of essays (as Bhagirathananda).