Desert Ecology Lesson 3: Landforms – Wadis and Runnels
“Dryness. Wadis and runnels stark./ Beside them, one desert lark linking/ sky and earth, quenching its thirst/ at the thorny salt wort…” Weekend poem, by Diana Woodcock.
Read MoreSince receiving an M.F.A. degree in Creative Writing in 2004, Diana Woodcock has been teaching writing courses at Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar. Previously, she spent nearly eight years working in Tibet, Macau, and on the Thai-Cambodian border. She is a PhD candidate/Creative Writing (distance learning) at Lancaster University.
“Dryness. Wadis and runnels stark./ Beside them, one desert lark linking/ sky and earth, quenching its thirst/ at the thorny salt wort…” Weekend poem, by Diana Woodcock.
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