“Everything is fine now. If only I had known it was so nice to die! Someone ought to tell people.” Story of the Week (April 7), by Henriette Houth. Translated from Danish by Mark Mussari.
Read MoreHenriette Houth was born in 1967. Her publications include two collections of poems, two books of architecture and design, two collections of short stories and a children’s book. ‘Greatest of These’ is from her recent collection of short stories, ‘Mit navn er Legion’ (My Name is Legion). Currently Ms. Houth is working on a novel.
“Everything is fine now. If only I had known it was so nice to die! Someone ought to tell people.” Story of the Week (April 7), by Henriette Houth. Translated from Danish by Mark Mussari.
Read More“The woman walks into the living room. She acts as if everything is normal, but I can see how she’s looking around, taking it all in.” Story of the Week (February 5), by Henriette Houth. Translated from Danish by Mark Mussari.
Read More“It was a picture of St. Christopher hanging above two portraits of the children, the same two portraits as those in the basement. He said he had hung it there to remind himself that he wasn’t an evil person.” Story of the Week (March 13), by Henriette Houth. Translated from Danish by Mark Mussari.
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