Eryngoes Can Make You Go
“Only when their bones/ turn to dust do they begin to/ lose their trains of thought.” Weekend poem, by R. Leigh Kaplan.
Read More“Only when their bones/ turn to dust do they begin to/ lose their trains of thought.” Weekend poem, by R. Leigh Kaplan.
Read More“Like the country you are/ named for, used to being un-/ noticed for centuries at sea…” Poem of the Week (December 23), by Nancy Anne Miller.
Read More“Dad, who mocked religion,/ heard something singing…” Weekend Poem, by David Sullivan.
Read More“You threw everything into it/ paintbrushes, sweat, ruminations…” Poem of the Week (December 16), by Shikha Malaviya.
Read More“But by sundown their empathy has its limit for me…/a jew to be despised.” Weekend poem, by Arturo Desimone.
Read More“life made you expert at hiding/… no one sees you and the wounds/ heal better in the darkness.” Poem of the Week (December 9), by Daniel von der Embse.
Read More“the plastic is getting dirty,/ and i need to renew my nice, healthy/ amerikan passport.” Weekend poem, by Shana Bulhan Haydock.
Read More“…they turned the barrel towards us/ but I didn’t see it, I was busy pulling that boy down, underneath/ my guard…” Poem of the Week (December 2), by Deonte Osayande
Read More“For them your sex/ And your death was the same thing.” Weekend poem, by Manash Bhattacharjee.
Read More“When the Damascus Steel/ lurched in the sky/ a crescent about to fall…” Poem of the Week (November 25), by Nineb Lamassu.
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