Rosso’s Lament
“Back in the pale end of winter/ Rosso looked at me as if he couldn’t quite remember/ who I was…” Weekend poem, by Rowland Bagnall.
Read More“Back in the pale end of winter/ Rosso looked at me as if he couldn’t quite remember/ who I was…” Weekend poem, by Rowland Bagnall.
Read More“It is his last photo,/ but the camera keeps clicking/ every year without him/ in the dark lens.” Poem of the Week (September 9), by Mir Mahfuz Ali.
Read More“Everything is stilled, when dancers/ stop and listen to the liquid gold…” Weekend poem, by Milton P. Ehrlich.
Read More“The scenes plunge into each other, cut/ by cut: the surge of the forest into/ the goose step of the soldiers…” Poem of the Week (September 2), by Ilma Rakusa. Translated from German by Paul-Henri Campbell.
Read More“It’s Friday, and I want to hold/ the day down by its neck to keep it still…” Weekend poem, by Sarah Fletcher.
Read More“Did woodpeckers,/ you wonder in your story,/ invent morse code? ” Poem of the Week (August 26), by Hubert Moore.
Read More“The thirsty/ will pay her ten bucks for a Smirnoff,//five for a lukewarm Corona. The faint/ stagger out to the sunlight…” Weekend poem, by Laurie Barton.
Read More“I truly/ Like this age of ergonomic skies, skies extending/ over pleasant mountain ranges + ordered lakes…” Poem of the Week (August 19), by Dominic Hale.
Read More“I hear a clock ticking/ like a toothache…” Weekend poem, by George Freek.
Read More“If you have only a single rose to offer me/ Do not offer it/ As a tombstone of the future…” Poem of the Week (August 12), by Manash Bhattacharjee.
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