“It’s Friday, and I want to hold/ the day down by its neck to keep it still…” Weekend poem, by Sarah Fletcher.
Read More“It’s Friday, and I want to hold/ the day down by its neck to keep it still…” Weekend poem, by Sarah Fletcher.
Read More“The thirsty/ will pay her ten bucks for a Smirnoff,//five for a lukewarm Corona. The faint/ stagger out to the sunlight…” Weekend poem, by Laurie Barton.
Read More“I hear a clock ticking/ like a toothache…” Weekend poem, by George Freek.
Read More“In July 1966,/ weeping and wailing was heard/ from Cherry Grove to Corneille Estates…” Weekend poem, by Jeremy Freedman.
Read More“here/ death is frolicking in the snow// and only a quarter of the story is ever told/known…” Weekend poem, by Arindam Banerjee.
Read More“The girl addressed as “you†in countless poems/ escapes. She’s sick of being told/ what she knows perfectly well…” Weekend poem, by Frederick Pollack.
Read More“…the grand horror of his head, stretching/ into the fang-house/ that clatters and clatters/ against this armoured morsel/ this shock of Pangolin…” Weekend poem, by James Coghill.
Read More“She wanted us to remain girls/ for as long as biology would allow.” Weekend poem, by Joey Chin.
Read More“…he never bothered/ learning another script,/ dependent still, at 73, on his grandchildren/ to read him ice-cream signs…” Weekend poem, by Akhil Katyal.
Read More“…only/ the blood on the moonlit sand/ black and soaking: the laughter/ of a lion’s ribcage left.” Weekend poem, by Isaac Nowell.
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