Other Lives
“Given a choice, she would go out and comb the manic streets of Delhi for terrorists or car jackers, instead of being cooped up in a dingy room with me.” Story of the Week (October 25), by Vineetha Mokkil.
Read MoreVineetha Mokkil is a writer and reviewer currently based in New Delhi, India. Her stories have appeared in The Santa Fe Writers Project Journal, Ginosko Literary Journal, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, the Asia Writes Project and “Why We Don’t Talk’  an anthology of contemporary Indian fiction. A collection of her short stories will be published by Harper Collins in December 2013. Her first novel is in the pipeline.
“Given a choice, she would go out and comb the manic streets of Delhi for terrorists or car jackers, instead of being cooped up in a dingy room with me.” Story of the Week (October 25), by Vineetha Mokkil.
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