Lily is 7 Today
“I’m not contrary, I just suck you into my culture and floss with my G-string,/ I learn to read palms like veins in leaves…” Weekend Poem, by Lydia Hounat.
Read More“I’m not contrary, I just suck you into my culture and floss with my G-string,/ I learn to read palms like veins in leaves…” Weekend Poem, by Lydia Hounat.
Read More“Winter this year is like a death penalty./ Reprieve will come, it’s/ ninety-nine per cent certain.” Poem of the Week (October 14), by Marcin Åšwietlicki. Translated from Polish by Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese.
Read More“I have painted/ The whole sky/ With coloured dust/ As you are coming.” Weekend poem, by Umakanta Mohapatra. Translated from Odia by Bibhudatta Mohanty.
Read More“We are always just this side/ of catastrophe, slightly shattered/ and taped whole by the love/ of those we do not fully/ comprehend…” Poem of the Week (October 7), by Kyla Pasha.
Read More“Nothing has changed, nothing will,/ it’s all about money and bombs, this century.” Weekend poem, by McDonald Dixon.
Read More“they seldom gave each other pleasure/and in vain they learnt patience and goodwill,/ in vain they taught their bodies…” Poem of the Week (September 30), by Gábor Schein. Translated from Hungarian by Erika Mihálycsa.
Read More“…the way it swells/ on the branches/ like flesh on bone, ballooning/ and sweet…” Weekend poem, by Jenny Danes.
Read More“You were our first star/ maestro of Broglie Street/ your piano flourishes cascading down the evening…” Poem of the Week (September 23), by John Robert Lee.
Read More“that Aymara man there/ who stowed his bundle in our hold/ & that small boy/ with a shoe box,/ the little we can carry…” Weekend Poem, by Lorraine Caputo.
Read More“the first dry leaves drift to the ground/ as if somewhere a library were on fire.” Poem of the Week (September 16), by Jan Wagner. Translated from German by Iain Galbraith.
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