Ringing Out
“He sits with his head in/ his pocket and his untouched phone ringing out…” Weekend Poem, by Emily Oldham.
Read More“He sits with his head in/ his pocket and his untouched phone ringing out…” Weekend Poem, by Emily Oldham.
Read More“…but that is a poem I cannot write./ that is a cartoon we cannot draw.” Poem of the Week (January 27), by Amna Y. Khan.
Read More“He will die for you but ignore your texts,/ and change the subject if you mention sex.” Weekend poem, by Flora de Falbe.
Read More“deeply/ curious then to travel, be travelled through/carrying possibilities, the wish for many lives…” Poem of the Week (January 20), by Khaled Javaid Jan. Translated from Urdu by Kathrine Sowerby.
Read More“too far away for words. some/ broken dreams…” Weekend poem, by Kamau Brathwaite.
Read More“In times when there was nothing going on the old/ Japanese masters would paint only the inanimate…” Poem of the Week (January 13), by Durs Grünbein. Translated from the German by Karen Leeder.
Read More“its roots that grip the past/ clutching sand and charcoal grit/ to hold its ground…” Weekend poem, by Xiang Yeow.
Read More“Out of the creeping undergrowth of manuscripts/ words line themselves with the body of the page/ imaculately…” Poem of the Week (January 6), by John Robert Lee.
Read More“Welcome new year/ just what we need…” Weekend poem, by Benny Andersen. Translated from Danish by Michael Goldman.
Read More“it was known/ that they were your retinue and had vanished over/ the sea…” Poem of the Week (December 30), by Raoul Schrott. Translated from German by Iain Galbraith.
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